Showing posts with label Science Class 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science Class 10. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Nutrition in plant, photosynthesis, events in photosynthesis, conditions necessary for photosynthesis

  • Nutrition in plants :-

Green plants are autotrophic thus prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis .

  • Photosynthesis:-

It is a process by which green plant synthesise organic food . This food is prepared by green plants from Carbon dioxide  and water in the presence of Sunlight and chlorophyll.  

Reaction involved:-


The plants use the energy in Sunlight to prepare food from Carbon-di-oxide , and water in presence of Chlorophyll.

The leaves of a plant are green because they contains tiny green coloured organelles called Chloroplast.
Chlorophyll  ( green coloured pigment) is present in the green coloured  bodies called “chloroplast” inside the cells.

Thus , Chloroplast are the site of photosynthesis as they contain Chlorophyll pigment.

  • Events in photosynthesis:

Firstly the Absorption of light energy is done by chlorophyll.
Then Light Energy is converted into chemical Energy .
And the Reduction of carbondioxide to Carbohydrates (starch) .

All the above steps may or may not  takes place one after the other immediately.

  • Conditions necessary for photosynthesis:-

(1) sunlight
(2) Chlorophyll
(3) Carbondioxide
(4) Water

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mode of nutrition (autotrophic nutrition, Heterotrophic nutrition), Types of Heterotrophic nutrition- Holozoic nutrition, saprophytic nutrition, parasitic nutrition) for class 10 in simple language for understanding And notes cbsc and mpboard


Nutrition is a process by which an organism obtains nutrients from food and utilises them to obtain energy.


Nutrientsare the substance which provide Energy to an organism for their growth and maintenance .

Examples of Nutrients-Carbohydrates, fats, protein and minerals and vitamins.

Modes of Nutrients:-

It is a method of obtaining food from Surrounding by an organism. There are two modes of Nutrition:-

Autotrophic Nutrition and Heterotrophic Nutrition

(1) Autotrophic Nutrition:-

The type of  nutrition in which organism  Synthesis their own food from inorganic materials like carbon-di-oxide and water  is called Autotrophic Nutrition.
*Chlorophyll is required.

The organism having Autotrophic mode of nutrition see called Autotrophes.

For example: Green plants and some bacteria.

(2) Heterotrophic Nutrition:-

 The type of nutrition in which organism cannot prepare their own food. They depend on autotrophs (directly or indirectly)  for their food.

The organism having heterotrophic mode of  Nutrition are called heterotrophs.

For Example- Animals, fungi.

Heterotrophic nutrition may be  of following types:-

(A) Holozoic nutrition -

In this type of nutrition complex food is taken in  and then broken down into simpler form inside the body.

For example- Herbivores (plant eaters), Carnivores (meat eaters) and omnivorous (both plant and meat eaters), amoeba, cow, dog, cat goat, humans etc.

(B) Saprophytic Nutrition:- 

Organism which feed Organism upon dead decaying matter called Saprotrophs and mode of nutrition is called Saprophytic nutrition.

For example-  fungi, mushrooms, yeast and bacteria etc.

(C) Parasitic nutrition:- 

Parasites having parasitic nutrition are live inside or outside the other organism (host) and obtain their nutrition without killing them.

For example- Plasmodium, ticks , live, leech, tapeworm, plants like -  Cuscuta (amarbel) etc.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Respiration process (aerobic respiration, anaerobic Respiration, alcoholic fermentation, lactic acid fermentation ) simple language for class 10 CBSE , MP board

The food we take during nutrition used to obtain energy by the process of respiration.

Some organism use oxygen during respiration ( aerobic respiration) while some not use oxygen during respiration (anaerobic respiration)

Following points to be known to understand the respiration process in easy way:-

  • Glucose - (C₆H₁₂O₆) It is 6 carbon containing molecule.
  • Pyruvate - It is 3 carbon containing compound which form after the breakdown of glucose .It is also known as pyruvic acid. One molecule of glucose gives 2 molecule of pyruvate. Oxygen is not used in the process of breaking glucose to pyruvate and occurs in cytoplasm of cell. 

  • Lactic acid - It is also a 3 carbon containing molecule. Also known as lactate.

  • Pyruvate is further oxidized in presence of oxygen in (aerobic respiration) or absence of oxygen in (anaerobic respiration)
  • If oxygen is not presence inside the cell (aerobic respiration) pyruvate is either converted to ethanol and carbon-di-oxide or lactic acid.

Types of respiration-

Aerobic Respiration - 

It is the process of  breakdown of glucose in the Presence of oxygen into carbon-di-oxide and  large amount of Energy is Released.

In this firstly the glucose molecule breaks into pyruvate molecule inside the cytoplasm & then in presence of oxygen the pyruvate molecule breaks into Carbon-di-oxide and water inside mitochondria .

Reaction involved:-



C₆H₁₂O₆→Pyruvate+E+6O₂→6CO₂+6H₂O +38ATP

Important point- Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration.

Anaerobic Respiration-

 It is the process of breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen in which Small amount of energy is released. It takes place in yeast, bacteria ad human beings. Anaerobic Respiration only occurs in the cytoplasm. 

Anaerobic respiration is of two types on the basis of product formed :-

 Alcoholic Fermentation :-

 In this process incomplete breakdown of  
Glucose occurs in absence of oxygen into ethanol and carbon-di-oxide. This process
is called alcoholic fermentation which mainly occurs in yeast, used to prepare beer, Cheese, toddy, wine etc. 

Reaction involved:-



Lactic acid fermentation -

 In this process  incomplete breakdown of glucose occurs in absence of Oxygen into lactic acid. This process is called Lactic acid fermentation and Occurs in Some bacteria (Lactobacillus) present in Yogurt.
 This process also occurs in human muscles when person do physical exercise vigorously, glucose is metabolised to form lactic acid  and it accumulates in muscle Causes fatigue and cramps.

Reaction involved:-
Glucose→Pyruvate+Energy→2Lactic acid+energy


C₆H₁₂O₆→Pyruvate+E→2Lactic acid+2ATP